When I opened my eyes,I found myself lying on grass. My head still hurt. I pulled myself up. Around me I saw four walls. I was in some sort of room in the middle of a field,a room with no ceiling. Three thick beams of light illuminated the room. The grass was freshly cut and looked quite splendid under the lights. The walls were pink and white striped. The sky was deep blue. On the wall were a couple of framed pictures. One was of a very intelligent looking rabbit in an expensive tuxedo,and the other one was of a coconut. I walked towards the door and opened it. It was pretty dark outside. When I closed the door it was pitch dark. The sky was now jet black and the stars shone brightly. In the distance I could see a faint glow. I started to walk towards it.
I didn't know where I was,I didn't know what I was doing there."Well",I thought to myself,"thats just too bad.I wish i knew these things though."I continued to walk towards the light
As the glow reached nearer I discovered that it was coming from a forrest. Everything in the forrest had a faint glow coming out of it giving it a mystical magical look. A deep voice suddenly asked me,"Who are you?"
I looked around but saw nobody.
"Up here." the voice said,"Who are you?"
I looked up and saw an owl.It was very fat."My name is Henry i replied".
"Do you have the time" the owl asked.
"Umm..its half past midnight"I replied
"Thank you young man,you can go now"
"Wait,Mr owl,would you mind telling me where i am?"
"My name is Dr.Harrison Dussledorf"he said pretty annoyed,"You are in the Macnelen's International area of Trees and Animals of the World of course,more popularly known as 'the woods'."
I decided to ask no further questions seeing Dr.Dussledorf was getting upset.So I walked on into the unknown.
first your on some fantastic sykoactive DRUGS.
secondly, Dr.Harrison Dussledorf ( i smell harry potter-ness ) is an OWL. why is he an OWL.
thirdly , your a lot crazy.
i love :-)
the big friendly giant
i just came back. i was succesful in sneak out. ate puchkas at 1 am. i love emasksdnbauybdtv
omg..how DARE u left it incomplete?? i was waiting for a
happy, or even mysterious ending!!....such randomness!...i lowes it! yayy!! finally u posted some thing new....the gr8 comeback of the wonder boy!!...muahahahahahahaah.....credit goes to me ofcourse....muah!
firstly you are my randomness parnter.
oh what skilled randomness!
thank you for posting.
NOTE FOR THE FUTURE: please post more frequently.
look whos's posted.
the room is nice but.
and dont make future posts hopeless searches for lyrics.
well wat was the moral of the story at the end.Y do u like to write things which seriously makes no sense to me.though this time I did understand the whole thing but wat was the point of writing it.
u spelt forest wrong. haha....ignorant...its forest not forrest...haha...
nice and abstract....bhalo bhalo...btw were u doped when u wrote it? It's nice tho...
"thats just too bad.I wish i knew these things though."I continued to walk towards the light.
And the lunatic is on the grass
surreal! absolutely surreal....but damn convincing!!
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